Modern Day Hercules.
Before we discuss the resevoir of utter handsomeness that is Jake Gyllenhaal, I would like to address the matter of my mourning. Yes, I am still mourning; the loss, or "break" of a great one is not something that could so easily be forgotten within a week. Rome was not built in a day. But all heartbreak aside, I have decided that Babe of the Week is crucial and I can no longer delay it. So without further a do, I give you, Jake Gyllenhaal.
Ughh! A truly worthy Babe of the Week, both in looks and work, work of which has earned him an honorable notice in cult films, with his notorious thriller, bizarre and goth, yet unbelievably 90's/ early 2000's, Donnie Darko, a movie where he acted alongside his famous older sister Maggie Gyllenhaal and the late and great, Patrick Swayze -bless his soul. You may more likely remember him from a little number he did with the also late and great Heath Ledger -totes babe-worthy, bless his soul, as well- a little number that goes by the name of Brokeback Mountain. Ah yes, the mountain of Brokeback, where homosexual cowboys could cheat on their wives and engage in romantic acts with one another, man-on-man acts that their Westboro Church-like society at this time would frown upon during their time period. T'was this very movie that got JG a nomination for Best Supporting Actor and lead to JG's branching out into more serious roles. Now I'm not saying he's perfect, a lot of his work has had its ups and downs. UPS: Zodiac, Jarhead, Brothers. DOWNS: Bubble Boy, Prince of Persia, and probably more to come, as I said, "he's not perfect." Perfect he is not, but a babe he is. Kudos Monsieur Gyllenhaal.
Bless my soul, Herc' was on a roll!
The Council of Babes.
Bless my soul, Herc' was on a roll!
The Council of Babes.